Here are some photos I took recently at North Durras, a tiny village to the north of Batemans Bay on the mid South Coast of NSW.
As part of the National Park, wildlife in this area is protected, so it's a wonderfully prolific place as far as Australian bird and animal life goes.
We're fortunate to have a holiday van there in one of the three Holiday Parks in the tiny village. Ours is called Joalah, and we have one of the best views in the place. This is something I never, ever take for granted, and it's also something I treasure, and never take for granted.
These are photos of the Sea Eagles which live in the forest surrounding the Lake.
Durras Lake is only small, and is currently open to the sea. It's clean, pristine even. A perfect place for creatures as perfect as these.
On this last trip down, [July 2012] I've identified three individual birds. Two have this mottled brown colouring and one has very distinct white and dark grey markings.
Into the Sun. Winging it's way across the lake towards Point Upright, this Sea Eagle faces into the sun.
Strong wing beats carry him northwards along the beach to his favoured fishing spot, Calm Cove. |
This is one of the larger Eagles, and I would guess his wingspan to be around 5 feet. I find this sort of thing difficult to judge, but I know I took these photos using my 300mm lens from a fair distance away.
So graceful....... |
So powerful ...
Master of his sky.
And yet he was harrassed continually ~ magpies. plovers ... always on his tail.
This is the grey and white one. See the difference? What a magnificent bird he is.
One morning I followed him as he flew towards the trees. As I bashed and crashed my way around the side of the lake, he perched gracefully in a tree several hundred metres round the lake, waiting patiently.

Every time I saw him flying up the lake I would race down to the sand, hoping for a better shot.
The Catch : Yes, he caught something, and as the Eagle itself is very large, so I'm guessing, was the fish. He didn't get to keep it long though. |
By the time he got back to me, he was dinnerless. I suspect that happens a lot, and even Eagles go to bed hungry.
Still getting used to my new camera, and the 300mm lens. Working on it, and LOVING IT!!
Take care, and find something to be kind to.