Autumn in Australia is a beautiful time. When the heat begins to wane and we have the relief of cooler temperatures at night ... heaven!
It's April, and while the leaves have yet to turn red and gold, then to crunchy brown, we still have flowers, insects frogs and more blooming in ways that would be foreign in most parts of the world.
Over Easter, butterflies were everywhere, three, four, sometimes more, winging around and through the garden, but hard to pin down [bad use of words!!] . Finally I managed a few shots.
And up in the tadpole pond, noone has told the resident frogs winter is on its way. If we go on previous years though, all will be well, and these young ones will spend winter in the pond, not growing much till next Spring.
We have large green frogs and small Eastern Brown Striped Frogs in our yard. These tadpoles are the Eastern Stripeds.
Our ginger plants have flowered well this year, huge and fragrant, I was surprised to see a few blooms even as late as last week. I think this will be the last!
The hibiscus too, are having a last hoorah!
And the ivy geranium ....
A few last tiny tomatoes ripening on the vines ...
But Autumn is creeping softly into the yard during the cool nights, and tinging the leaves with colour.